Monday, July 26, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Simply Letting

Often there are persons out there who aren't looking to do bad, but when the opportunity is put forth, they have no ability to hold back such an urge. However the person who is the victim of this negative energy, is normally unaware of the very beneficial nature of losing, or hurting, or fearing. One cannot attain positive karma without first burning off the negative. Even more importantly though, one cannot balance their karma out entirely to the point where there is no more ebb and flow, but just even, level, constant; experience, being and attainment, without first clearing out old karma. Bad things are only bad to a certain mindset, or perception range, go beyond that mind set and expand that perception to realize that we must learn from everything that happens to us, we must reflect what happens to us like a mirror, not judging and labeling, simply letting it happen as it will.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Desired Steps

Sometimes it is important to initiate change in your life even if everything is going perceivably well. Many times we think it is necessary to create change when things are bad, and that is the obvious time to do something like that, but other times it is essential to our growth as individuals to break away from positive situations, and expand that forward moving energy in to a new initiative. Leave the current status quo on a good note, and head in to the new one with a clear and easy going state of mind. No regrets to bring forward, no negative situations or relationships to run away from, just a very comfortable departure, with sincere good byes, and the promise of an eventual return to rejoice again in the good situation that can be once again picked up as if it were never left. Many times I will have an urge to move on to the next project, relationship, job, home, and instead of leaving on proper terms and accepting the new energies in to my life for their benefits, I start to look at the negatives of the current object, magnify them because of my feeling of urgency to depart from them and create the very problems and circumstances that start the downfall of what could have been a great thing, or at least could have been left behind in a more positive manner. This is one of my problems, not knowing how to initiate positive change without also relying on creating negative circumstances which cause the other individual to initiate the change on their part instead of me taking the desired steps myself. No Mas.