The Sun in this position symbolizes a return to Eden, a return to your original nature. This is the card of the person who is expressing the highest creativity and doing her or his best work. Your motives, outlook and beliefs are all synchronized. There are no hidden motives, nagging doubts or fear of the outcome. Relax, look around and enjoy the wonderful view from the center of your universe.
When the Five of Swords is in this position, polarizing forces in your immediate environment may be jeopardizing the possibility of teamwork. Such forces could pit individuals against each other in a way that stops the greater flow of progress and mutual support. Help those around you to see beyond their petty differences.
This may require challenging them to look for the real causes of their bickering. Is there a chance that too much subjective thinking is undermining the group effort? This is not a favorable trend. If there's anything you can do to keep it from getting worse, it is up to you to make the attempt now.
When the Nine of Wands is in this position, the challenge is to resist the idea that you must swoop in and save the day. A person who instinctively leaps to heroics can fixate on the glory it will bring to the self, actually diminishing their capacity to serve the greater good. This is not to say you shouldn't do your personal best.
Sometimes we just need to stand back and let someone else have the glory, so we become better at sharing in and supporting others' accomplishments. There are usually enough challenging tasks to go around; it's not necessary for you to take the lead role in all of them.
The Tower in this position suggests that you have experienced a direct hit in this lifetime. Now it holds no terror for you; you know you can handle intense energy and sudden changes. Your resilience has been proven; you know how to pull yourself together after an explosion.
The knowledge that you can hold up under duress gives you courage and optimism. Now you can serve as a guide or support for others who are less confident or experienced.
With the Eight of Cups in this position, you may have been through a situation that left you feeling assaulted. You felt exhausted, overwhelmed, and drained -- as if a plug was pulled within you. Take heart because this card implies that difficult conditions are on the wane.
The worst of your sadness and feelings of being overwhelmed have lifted. But you have yet to collect yourself and move forward, which is what you must do in order to fully recover. Take special care to get closure on this episode. As the future brings new influences, you don't want to be dwelling on the past.
When the King of Wands comes up in this position, a leadership role is being pressed on you from all sides and it's difficult to turn it down. When the collectivity needs a figurehead for motivation and nobody feels adequate to the job, accept the image and the role and let others' growing enthusiasm support you.
This is not the time to sidestep an opportunity. Relax and enjoy what may be a rare experience for you.
When the Ace of Wands is in this position, your choices are narrowing and coming into focus, allowing you to define what you really want to do and how you are going to accomplish it. Like water surging through a funnel, your energy needs to narrow down upon itself and penetrate to the core. Proceed with single-mindedness and concentration.
Your opportunity may be imminent, so get rested and organized. If you cannot act with full focus, you may not be able to do the work necessary to reach your objectives. Maintain a state of readiness and wellness about you.
When the Eight of Swords falls in this position, you are being tested by your own criteria. If you have sown doubt, criticism and negativity in your environment, you will receive the same in return. This is only fair, and you know it.
Refrain from whining and blaming. You did what you did; you said what you said. Now the consequences are coming back around to you. Humble yourself and change your thinking. Perhaps in the future you will choose to cultivate more compassion and less confrontation in your relations. Let this experience inspire you to raise your level of sensitivity as you relate to others.
In this position, the King of Swords suggests that you seek the assistance of a mentor in communications. Find someone with enough broad experience to help you sharpen your logic, define the issues before you and refine your arguments. This person will be a strict but fair judge of your development. He or she will critique you and give you assignments for self-improvement.
It's like having a personal trainer, who will hold up the mirror and show you the parts of yourself that you cannot see without help. With this person on your side, you will improve your ability to stay on top of events and issues. Such helpers are worth their weight in gold; don't stray too far from her or his advice.
The Eight of Coins in this position recommends that you focus on your main project and produce as much as you can, while staying healthy. This is an important time for meeting goals. However, do not work so hard that quality suffers.
You are in a position where your effort can make a big difference. Apply yourself. Do the work and you will be rewarded with flexibility and freedom.
This card is traditionally entitled a Page, but in some modern decks as a Princess. In this position, this card suggests that you have the potential to contribute the most by remaining humble, keeping a low profile and being a catalyst who helps others improve communication.
You are not the overt agent of change; your unobtrusiveness leads others to think the good ideas were their own. When that happens, they lend passion to the ideas and are more easily roused to action. Unbeknownst to others, it is your leadership that is quietly at work.