Here's an idea, instead of invading nations like Iraq, Iran or North Korea for their human rights violations, or at least claiming that is the reason, why don't we overthrow governments that truly deserve it. The Myanmar Military Junta that controls the country has not only responded to the cyclone that hit there on May 3rd slowly and without compassion, becoming responsible for thousands of deaths after the cyclones actual destruction, they have even kept supplies meant for survivors for themselves, taken more expensive supplies donated by other nations and replaced them with their own lesser quality goods, denied access to the country to many relief workers, and the relief they do allow in have been stuck in one of the lesser hurt cities, not even allowed to see or personally help the people who actually need it. If these aren't the actions of a government that needs to be overthrown I do not know what is. If America and it's allies were to go in there it would literally take days to defeat their meager military, and if we didn't try and impose our life style on the Myanmar people and actually did right by them, by getting them food, water, clothes and housing, they would love us! There would be no rebellion, we would look like heroes in the eyes of the world again, and we would have actually over thrown a government who rightfully deserves it. Just an idea...
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