Those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.
Those who don't proactively seek their future are bound to lose it.
We cannot expect the world to shape itself around us, we must shape ourselves to fit in to the world we want to create. We have to be what we want to be. Don't try and achieve something, do it. Don't think to yourself that someday you'll be this way or have this thing. Be what you want to be RIGHT NOW.
Act on your hunches, create your dreams, and when all is said and done, let them all go. Don't get attached to your accomplishments or possessions, if you find yourself feeling that one thing defines your life, even if it is the thing you always wanted, let it go and allow the next thing to take shape. If you have accomplished great things, allowing others to bask in that glory, and even take over where you left off, is the best possible way to make sure that accomplishment is remembered.
If you've already achieved great things, this doesn't mean that you have to hold on to that ONE thing. It should mean to you that even greater things are in the works. Subconsciously, metaphysically, and behind the scenes. Allow yourself to decrease, lessen your power and control, part ways from the old, in order to allow the new to come to you. New power, new people, new progress.
If you are in the same place you were last year, with the same exact people doing the same exact thing, you haven't grown one bit. Allow yourself to let go of past achievements and success, don't hold on to long, because if you do, those accomplishments will not be respected, because what people know is not what you've done for them but what you're going to do next for them.
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