Saturday, July 26, 2008

Political Activism

Last night I walked around town as something we call Alive After Five was going on. All of Main St closed down, bands playing on every corner, rock wall, stands, restaurants and bars serving people outside, good times. The entire time I was there though I was carrying around voter registration forms and information about Obama. I got 4 people to register, nothing spectacular and they were all friends of mine who I ran in to but it was still good times. I am going to do it again the next 4 weeks that Alive After Five goes on and see how many people I can register. People asked me if I was getting paid or any sort of reimbursement, but of course I wasn't I'm doing this for the purpose inherently behind it, activism and caring about people getting involved. Even when people said they were anti Obama I still credited them for being registered and told them all that matters is that they vote, not who they vote for.

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