They say that the graves are for the enemy soldiers of any nation who would decided to attack them, you know Israel, America, France, whoever. Tehran claims that they want to ease the suffering of the families of the soldiers with these burials, but I don't see how that make sense, most people would want the bodies back home. I think this is one of the craziest things I've ever heard...
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The Most Ignorant Person on the Planet!
"Obama-mania and dellusional belief in "Magic Negro", the noble and smart black man, may eventually serve a good thing - falling of the modern Empire of the United States of America.
Indeed, do we need an Empire? Do we have anything in common with blacks, even in the Magic Negro form? Not really. We do not need..."
Read the rest here
"...President Bush is probably one of the best President the United States EVER had.
The bad thing is, it is very unlikely, that we EVER have such a great person in power as Bush. "
And this guy isn't being sarcastic
Indeed, do we need an Empire? Do we have anything in common with blacks, even in the Magic Negro form? Not really. We do not need..."
Read the rest here
"...President Bush is probably one of the best President the United States EVER had.
The bad thing is, it is very unlikely, that we EVER have such a great person in power as Bush. "
And this guy isn't being sarcastic
Who's Naive?
America was founded as a Christian nation? Ummm does freedom of religion ring a bell to you Mr. McCain?
President Putin of "Germany"?! I think you meant Russia John.
You don't know how to use a computer?! Get the hell out of this race you moron.
President Putin of "Germany"?! I think you meant Russia John.
You don't know how to use a computer?! Get the hell out of this race you moron.
Monday, June 23, 2008
CEO Billionairs!
Are amongst Barack Obamas advisers. While he does not succumb to the special interest and big business lobbyists, he knows that getting the thoughts and ideas of some of the most prominent richest people on the planet is necessary to being a world leader. Check out this list of people Barack speaks with often, pretty impressive.
"He is frequently on the phone with billionaire CEO Warren Buffett ("one of my favorite people," says Obama, "he's just completely down-to-earth and as smart as they come"), a critic of the financial industry and of tax breaks for the rich who also happens to understand capital markets better than just about anyone.
Obama calls on Apple's Steve Jobs to help him "think about how to be successful and nimble in the current global environment."
Advice also comes from Wall Street veterans like J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and Centerbridge Partners founder Mark Gallogly - as well as longtime Chicago friends Penny Pritzker of Hyatt (who runs his campaign finances), Ariel Capital's John Rogers, and investor James S. Crown. "
Full Article Here
"He is frequently on the phone with billionaire CEO Warren Buffett ("one of my favorite people," says Obama, "he's just completely down-to-earth and as smart as they come"), a critic of the financial industry and of tax breaks for the rich who also happens to understand capital markets better than just about anyone.
Obama calls on Apple's Steve Jobs to help him "think about how to be successful and nimble in the current global environment."
Advice also comes from Wall Street veterans like J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and Centerbridge Partners founder Mark Gallogly - as well as longtime Chicago friends Penny Pritzker of Hyatt (who runs his campaign finances), Ariel Capital's John Rogers, and investor James S. Crown. "
Full Article Here
Radical Islamic Extremism
"We wanted to know what single economic threat he perceives above all others."~Fortune
After upwards of 10 seconds of silence.
"Well, I would think that the absolute gravest threat is the struggle that we're in against radical Islamic extremism, which can affect, if they prevail, our very existence. Another successful attack on the United States of America could have devastating consequences."
I can see how in some sick twisted manner Islamic Terrorists could affect our economy. But come on, are you freakin' serious?! You know so little about the economy Mr McCain that you just attempt to link the war on terror to *everything* now?! That is pathetic.
Update 12:40
Baracks answer...
"Asked what single economic concern worries him most and will be uppermost on his mind if he steps into the Oval Office next January, Obama said energy supplies. "It's not a problem I think we can drill our way out of," he says. "It can be a drag on our economy for a very long time unless we take steps to innovate and invest in the research and development that's needed to find alternative fuels, to make our transportation system more energy efficient, retool our industry and our buildings.""
After upwards of 10 seconds of silence.
"Well, I would think that the absolute gravest threat is the struggle that we're in against radical Islamic extremism, which can affect, if they prevail, our very existence. Another successful attack on the United States of America could have devastating consequences."
I can see how in some sick twisted manner Islamic Terrorists could affect our economy. But come on, are you freakin' serious?! You know so little about the economy Mr McCain that you just attempt to link the war on terror to *everything* now?! That is pathetic.
Update 12:40
Baracks answer...
"Asked what single economic concern worries him most and will be uppermost on his mind if he steps into the Oval Office next January, Obama said energy supplies. "It's not a problem I think we can drill our way out of," he says. "It can be a drag on our economy for a very long time unless we take steps to innovate and invest in the research and development that's needed to find alternative fuels, to make our transportation system more energy efficient, retool our industry and our buildings.""
Corn based ethanol
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Frank Somma got "PWNED"?!
Check this out, some random dude on Internet wanted to "teach me a lesson" so much he dedicated a blog to me, that's devotion.
Update June 23 2:12
Even more!!
Please feel free to comment on these blogs and to e-mail the creator of them directly at this address:
Update June 23 2:12
Even more!!
Please feel free to comment on these blogs and to e-mail the creator of them directly at this address:
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Made of Meat

I just stumbled across this story, what aliens think of humans, good short read check it out.
"They're made out of meat."
"Meat. They're made out of meat."
"There's no doubt about it. We picked up several from different parts of the planet, took them aboard our recon vessels, and probed them all the way through. They're completely meat."
"That's impossible. What about the radio signals? The messages to the stars?"
"They use the radio waves to talk, but the signals don't come from them. The signals come from machines."
"So who made the machines? That's who we want to contact."
"They made the machines. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Meat made the machines."
Continued here:
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Bush's Final Farewell

So good old George W. has about 7 months and 2 days left in office. He is already going to be known as the President who went to war for, well for alot of reasons, but none of them known to the American people. As the President who made fortunes for his family and friends through big oil companies, independent contractors in Iraq, and by looking the other way as crimes were being committed against the American people. And lastly as the President and Administration who were so controversial that a slightly substantial amount of American citizens believe them to be capable of lies, crimes, atrocities.
So, with this kind of legacy behind him, what does G.W. decided to do with his last few months? Attempt to rally support for war in Iran throughout Europe and demand that Congress lift the ban on offshore oil drilling, with the very strong support of Republican Presidential Nominee John McCain.
Lately the President has been apologizing for the War in Iraq. Not for waging it, or handling it poorly, but for the rhetoric he used in order to bring us to war. Yet he spends the next week after this apology using the exact same words he did about Iraq, only substituting Iran in. Bush is using the same tactics and the same rhetoric to start a conflict that honestly the US can't handle right now. An attack on Iran would provoke Hezbollah, N. Korea, Syria and Palestinians, not to mention China and Russia wouldn't be too happy about it.
People in the Middle East understood our reaction to 9/11 in Afghanistan, and no one cared about Iraq, hell almost everyone hated Saddam. So they were happy to see him go, but now these people want us out of their part of the world. We cannot just go in and bomb any nation we want, we cannot occupy nations on a suspicion, and we should most certainly not enter in to conflicts we can't win. War in Iran would be catastrophic, there would be no clear end in sight. America would have the entire middle East up in arms against the foreign occupier, it would be going against the United Nations, not to mention a few nations with nuclear weapons. If this doesn't sound like the start of World War 3 than I don't know what would? War with Iran is not a good idea is what I am trying to say.
As for his attempts to open up the shores to drilling, these demands, made to look like an attempt to help the American people at the pump, are actually ploys to garner more fortunes for Big Oil. It would take years for any sort of drilling in the Atlantic or Pacific to create any sort of substantial supply. Prices at that time would be even higher than today, and the oil companies who we allowed to drill would make even more profit selling it to us, because they would be getting it right here at home and not need to go through any foreign nations. With less spent on shipping, taxes for importing, and less spent per barrel, the oil companies would be making a fortune selling it to Americans at exorbitant prices. It's all a scam, don't fall for Bush's deceit.
Bush's attempt to scare the American public in to war again and in to his Big Oil scheming will not work. We have seen his real intentions, he doesn't care about the American people, he cares about his buddies in Big Business, his family and himself. This buffoon is almost out of office, just don't let him make any more changes to our Constitution or start any unjustified wars or create any energy policies and we should be fine. I hope!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Gays Blacks and Woman
In the land of the free, in which we live in. If you are against equal rights for woman, blacks or gays, get the hell out of the country. California is about to become the second state to allow gay marriages, and this past primary season shows that blacks and woman are close to becoming the most powerful person in the country. With this being the case it has created a lot of backlash from extreme right wingers who think gays should be ostracized, woman should be in the kitchen and blacks should be in the hood. Land of the *FREE* means everyone is free to establish their happiness in any way that doesn't hurt another person. So if you truly believe against the equal rights of minorities, you are anti American and should move out before the nation truly is such a liberal place you don't even want to be here.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Happy Friday the 13th!!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Obama Truths
Help fight all the crazy lies being spread about Obama including that he's a Muslim and that his wife is racist.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
McCains Neoconservative Agenda
For any of you who don't know, the neoconservative group is a political philosophy which main tenets include the belief that America needs to enforce a strong military force over whatever enemy it deems worthy. From communism to terrorism, they look for grandiose battles that don't necessarily have any end in sight. You may know such famous neo-cons as Paul Wolfowitz, former deputy secretary of defense,Donald Rumsfeld secretary of defense under Gerald Ford and George W Bush, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, former Assistant to the President of the United States, George W. Bush, Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States, Dick Cheney, and Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs. And the list goes on and on.
Neoconservatives have run this country for the past 8 years. Whether they had some notorious plot schemed up before 9/11 to fight a war against the Muslim world, or if it was just a dire circumstance that they took full advantage of in it's aftermath, this group of war mongers has no ones best interest in mind but their own.
If you want to get a little insight in to the mind of a neo-con, this might help.
Neoconservative writer William Kristol claimed: "The world is a mess. And, I think, it's very much to Bush's credit that he's gotten serious about dealing with it... The danger is not that we're going to do too much. The danger is that we're going to do too little."
So my point here is that electing John McCain does nothing but keep us in the same path we've been heading down. He holds many neo-con beliefs and four of his top advisers are neo-cons. Sounds eerily similar to George W. McCain would love to continue the policies of the current administration, possibly taking some of them even further. He has been quoted in support for a independent league of nations who take actions that the UN won't sanction. My question is, where is this league going to come from? We couldn't get support for war in Iraq from anyone besides England and Australia who sent a fraction of the troops America sent. And both of those nations are withdrawing troops rapidly in hopes of being out ASAP.
"McCain’s League would create for the U.S. President a standing organization for engaging in aggressive war against “rogue regimes” whether they are an immediate, potential -- or imaginary -- threat."~Robert Parry
Now while McCain is the immediate threat, the longer lasting one is that even if he doesn't win this coming election a neo-con could come to power at any time. There long lasting belief is that the President of the United states should not have to follow the law if it involves any threat to national security. They could strip a US citizen of their citizenship and send them to Guantanamo Bay without a trial or any fair representation at all, if they got their way. All it takes is the seating of two more conservatives justices to the Supreme Court and a future President could install near unlimited powers to his office. With that sort of unbalanced control it would no longer be a Democracy but a Dictatorship. That is not what the United States stands for. And that is why neoconservatives need to be outed from any elected position and denounced as the traitors to our founding fathers beliefs that they are!
For more info on Neoconservatives check this shit out
Neoconservatives have run this country for the past 8 years. Whether they had some notorious plot schemed up before 9/11 to fight a war against the Muslim world, or if it was just a dire circumstance that they took full advantage of in it's aftermath, this group of war mongers has no ones best interest in mind but their own.
If you want to get a little insight in to the mind of a neo-con, this might help.
Neoconservative writer William Kristol claimed: "The world is a mess. And, I think, it's very much to Bush's credit that he's gotten serious about dealing with it... The danger is not that we're going to do too much. The danger is that we're going to do too little."
So my point here is that electing John McCain does nothing but keep us in the same path we've been heading down. He holds many neo-con beliefs and four of his top advisers are neo-cons. Sounds eerily similar to George W. McCain would love to continue the policies of the current administration, possibly taking some of them even further. He has been quoted in support for a independent league of nations who take actions that the UN won't sanction. My question is, where is this league going to come from? We couldn't get support for war in Iraq from anyone besides England and Australia who sent a fraction of the troops America sent. And both of those nations are withdrawing troops rapidly in hopes of being out ASAP.
"McCain’s League would create for the U.S. President a standing organization for engaging in aggressive war against “rogue regimes” whether they are an immediate, potential -- or imaginary -- threat."~Robert Parry
Now while McCain is the immediate threat, the longer lasting one is that even if he doesn't win this coming election a neo-con could come to power at any time. There long lasting belief is that the President of the United states should not have to follow the law if it involves any threat to national security. They could strip a US citizen of their citizenship and send them to Guantanamo Bay without a trial or any fair representation at all, if they got their way. All it takes is the seating of two more conservatives justices to the Supreme Court and a future President could install near unlimited powers to his office. With that sort of unbalanced control it would no longer be a Democracy but a Dictatorship. That is not what the United States stands for. And that is why neoconservatives need to be outed from any elected position and denounced as the traitors to our founding fathers beliefs that they are!
For more info on Neoconservatives check this shit out
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Bush Cheney and Rumsfield: Three Stooges
Just where were the three most powerful men in America on the morning of September 11th 2001?
Bilderberg Group

Today is the first of 4 that the most powerful group of people in the world are meeting to make decisions that could possibly change the world for the better or for the worse. People such as David Rockefeller, The Rothschild s, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfield, Hilary Clinton, the Queen of the Netherlands, the owner of Pepsi, and upwards of 130 other politicians, royal families, Ceo's and military defense personnel are meeting *right now* in Chantilly Virginia.
There are theories that this group has been and will be dictating the direction of the entire planet, choosing whether to raise or lower gas prices, if war should be declared on Iran, how to reduce the world population by billions, etc. I don't know how much I believe in these idea's but I do know as a matter of fact that this group *does* have the power to make these decisions and to take world shattering actions.
These are a little more than 100 people who control almost the entire planet, from the World Bank, to entire countries, multinational corporations, to media empires. With as little as a few words they can change your and mine entire life as we know them. I do not know enough about this group yet to make any true speculations.
However what I do want to point out is that if these people do believe that they are the most suitable to make decisions for the people, I hope they take into account our very revengeful spirit. Make the right decisions and make sure they reflect the visions of all peoples, taking in to account the beliefs and worries of all those who they claim to represent.
Why is it that MSNBC, the BBC, CCTV, Al Jazeera, and every other major world news network are ignoring this meeting?
Was Hilary going to be the next Bilderberg President? Bill met with the group in 1991 just before becoming president. Hilary met with them last year. Did Obama just step on the feet of the most powerful organization in the world?
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
The Future is Now!

With the filming of the 4th Terminator film going on right now, I thought it was about time to bring up the fact that we are living in the very early stages of a future where a Skynet like wireless information system exists, robots are waging war, artificial intelligence is making decisions and suggestions for humans, robots are doing every day choirs, the information cloud is taking shape, and so on.
Google is in the midst of building the largest wireless network in the world. They are opening another main campus in NYC where they will start this expansion. With their interest in the 700 Mhx auction by the FCC a few months ago, and their stipulations of an open network being established with the spectrum, it is only a matter of time before the company does establish their own open wireless broadband speed network. They are in the business of advertising and search, the more people that are online the more money they make. So offering free internet service to *everyone* would only mean more money for them. Freaking awesome news for everyone involved. Once this wireless Skynet is operational there will be nowhere that the worlds information, communication, and whatever other wonders the internet has in store for us, will be inaccessible. Once you can access the internet anywhere you can access tech and software that can potentially turn your lights on before you get home, check surveillance cameras anywhere in the world, start the oven and check the fridge for certain ingredients, send messages to anyone anywhere who can than read and respond instantly since they also have unlimited internet access, check Wikipedia or Google for anything possible, there will be no more lapses in memory or intelligence because all the world information is in your pocket. The possibilities are unlimited.
Japan is the leader in robotic development world wide. They have robots that make facial expressions, do every day choirs, act like animals, instruct mall goers on where certain stores are and so much more. By 2010 they claim they will have robots as janitors, child care, and security. By 2020 they want robots to be every day companions of humans. They are also going to be the first nation in the world with an official robotics ministry. While America attempts to design AI for military reasons, Japan has no military and is interested in creating these machines as human counterparts. Once robots are widely accepted as capable of doing menial jobs that many people don't even want to do we will have either a great opportunity or a great disaster. With robots doing the tough tasks we as a civilization can advance and start putting our effort in to peace, technology, art, intelligence, philosophy, and other noble endeavors, or we can slip in to poverty, despair, war and mistrust of each other. It is only a matter of time now before robots become part of every day life.
We have to adapt and be aware of the kinds of changes that are going to be caused by this invasion of artificial intelligence. We should not fear it, we should not blame it for any change that happens due to it's inception. Get ready because the future is now.
5:55 PM
Check this out!
Could you imagine if Google wanted to be on NASA property because they had plans of launching a satellite in to orbit?! The world is a crazy place.

"The blast also damaged some nearby video and CD stores. Supporters of al-Qaida and the Taliban have tried to enforce strict Muslim rule in the area.....
There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but previous such bombings in this volatile region have been blamed on pro-Taliban militants who consider music and movies un-Islamic."
Movies and Music ... un-islamic. Do I need to say anymore?
Please do not confuse militant extremist Muslims with the majority of their religion who do not want to harm anyone.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
St Pedro's Day

Since Pedro Martinez joined the Mets in 2005 he has been a overwhelming force on the field as well as in the club house. however over the past two seasons he has seen more DL time than game time. A hip injury in 2006 ended his season early, leaving him out until September of 2007 when he made a 3 for 5 return to end the season. While the Mets slumped and fell out of the top spot and lost their chance at a playoff run, Pedro pitched pretty good in his return. This season was supposed to be his proving ground that he can still pitch. However in his first start he pulled his hamstring and has been gone since the 1st of April. Today is his return, tonight at 10:15 in San Fransisco, from this moment until the end of the game any and all news regarding his return will be covered here.
MySpace Countdown Clocks
Reyes, Beltran and Wright still not leading All Star ballots. Vote Now!
The game has started!
David Wright bats in 1st run of game.
Pedro Martinez throws his first pitch since April 1st for a ball.
Games tied...booo!
Pedro grounds out with two men on 2 outs.
Too tired to do this anymore... I quit live blogging.
Next Day
Pedro gets the win in a 9-6 victory, letting up 3 runs, and pitching decently. He is going to be a great addition to this team if he can stay healthy!
Netbook Wars

In November of last year Asus released a mini laptop called the Eee PC. A 7 inch screen, simple insides, running on Linux, this machine was built for web browsing, photo uploading, open office documents, FireFox, iGoogle, Wikipedia etc. A main stream open source machine. Within a month the Eee PC sold hundreds of thousands of units. It became a huge hit amongst children and adults all over the world. With it's popularity comes competition. HP has released the Mini Note, Acer has the Aspire One, MSI the Wind. Today is Computex where all of these companies are releasing the specs on their, as they have grown to be called, Netbooks. Will Asus still dominate the market or will MSI take over. Are prices going to start dropping with the competition, what extra features will each pack in to win, all of this and more will be covered all day!
The Asus 901 and 1000 have been officially announced
MSI Wind gets 4.5 out of 5
Acer Aspire One priced at $379, $20 cheaper than the MSI Wind and nearly $300 cheaper than the Asus 901. Come on Asus you started this war, end it with the sub $300 Netbook you promised! The 1000 better be less than $500 to compete with Acer and MSI.
Asus 1000 and 1000H announced, the H being a traditional hard drive based machine instead of SSD. Priced at appox. $630. Seems a bit much to me since the MSI Wind has the same if not better specs and is only $400.
Via and Gigabyte announce Netbooks
MSI Wind XP Version will be released June 16th, however the Linux version won't come out till later this summer. Acer's Aspire One will be shipped Q3 2008.
New Ubuntu GUI released specifically for Netbooks
Gigabytes Netbook will be convertible tablet form. Mmmm Tablet. Just wish the battery wasn't so weak, and still waiting on a price.
Eee 1000 Vs 901 Vs 700

Next Day
Asus 901 is easiest to mod Netbook yet. After a full day of reviewing and comparing Netbooks, I think I'm going to stick with the one and only the Asus Eee. I've wanted one for months now but with the price of competitors being much less had considered getting a Wind. However I want to have it by next week and the Wind won't be coming out till end of summer, so alas I will spend the extra $150 on the Asus Eee 901.
Democratic Primaries

Since January 3rd the Democratic party has been experiencing the most historic primary season of this nations 230+ years. A black man and a white woman vying for the most delegates to award them the parties presidential nomination. Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton debating, campaigning, promoting, etc. From Baracks surprising win in Iowa to Hilary's most recent victory in Puerto Rico this primary season has gone on for as long as possible. However today, *today*, are the last two primaries in South Dakota and Montana and after they are finalized Super Delegates are being urged to reveal who they are supporting. If all goes well by this time tomorrow this 5 month fight can finally be over. Barack Obama can finally start the campaign for president against John McCain. It is almost over, and I will be live blogging everything and anything of importance that happens today.
Polls opened at 9 AM Est, 7 AM local.
Democratic Senators plan to meet later today, possibly to throw their support Obama's way. Barack needs only 37 more delegates to claim victory.
MySpace Countdown Clocks
Senators Boxer and Schumer speaking right now!
Obama leads McCain 47% to 44% while Clinton leads 49% to 43% in national polls.
Officials say Clinton will admit tonight that Obama has the nomination!!!!
AP story denied, Clinton *will not* admit Obama is candidate, just announced...?
Clinton is home at Chapaqua NY right now. Better off if she just stays there, please do not take it all the way to the convention, PLEASE!
Harold Ickes speaking on MSNBC right now to say that AP report is wrong, "Mr Obama does not have the nomination and will not have the nomination". He does say he doesn't see it going to the convention though. If Obama hits 2118... "When you hear it you'll hear it" "She will say what she says when she says it"
John Perez of California officially endorses Obama after leaving Clinton and being undecided for a few months.
John Oliver supports Obama, magic number down to 35.
33 and 1/2 away according to MSNBC.
Personal Note: Chelsea Clinton is freaking hot. If it wasn't for my die hard Obama support, I would love to have her back in the White House and the public eye again.. Mmmm Chelsea. Hopefully she'll run for President in a decade or two.
John McCain praised Clinton yesterday saying she opened the door for more woman to run for President.
Obama just picked up 3 more.... down to 30.5.
Sorry, 8 hour lunch break.
John McCain just spoke, gave Clinton and Obama props but then went in to the same old rhetoric.
Clinton wants to sit down with Obama privately, most likely in D.C. or NYC. Could be as early as tomorrow night, as Clinton does not want to concede until she talks to him.
Hilary Clinton walking towards the stage right now for her speech!
Hilary congratulates Obama, saying he inspired many Americans to care and get involved. We are stronger as a result of his efforts.
"Yes She Will!"
This has been a long campaign and Clinton will be making no decisions tonight! She wants to hear from her supporters through her website.
South Daktoa goes to Clinton, Obama wins Montana and now has enough delegates to be the presumptive nominee!!
Obama's walk up to the stage to address their victory tonight!
Michelle gives Barack pounds as she leaves the stage.
Barack mentioned Hilary to immense applause from the audience. She is a woman who has done what no other has and is a strong leader. He congratulates her on her victory tonight and her entire race in general.
Obama says McCain's policies can be described many ways, but change is not one of them.
"Yes We Can!!"
"We may call ourselves Democrats and Republicans but we are Americans first we are always Americans first!"
"America this is our moment this is our time"
Next Day
Hilary doesn't concede yet, but it doesn't matter because Barack has enough delegates.
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