Since January 3rd the Democratic party has been experiencing the most historic primary season of this nations 230+ years. A black man and a white woman vying for the most delegates to award them the parties presidential nomination. Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton debating, campaigning, promoting, etc. From Baracks surprising win in Iowa to Hilary's most recent victory in Puerto Rico this primary season has gone on for as long as possible. However today, *today*, are the last two primaries in South Dakota and Montana and after they are finalized Super Delegates are being urged to reveal who they are supporting. If all goes well by this time tomorrow this 5 month fight can finally be over. Barack Obama can finally start the campaign for president against John McCain. It is almost over, and I will be live blogging everything and anything of importance that happens today.
Polls opened at 9 AM Est, 7 AM local.
Democratic Senators plan to meet later today, possibly to throw their support Obama's way. Barack needs only 37 more delegates to claim victory.
MySpace Countdown Clocks
Senators Boxer and Schumer speaking right now!
Obama leads McCain 47% to 44% while Clinton leads 49% to 43% in national polls.
Officials say Clinton will admit tonight that Obama has the nomination!!!!
AP story denied, Clinton *will not* admit Obama is candidate, just announced...?
Clinton is home at Chapaqua NY right now. Better off if she just stays there, please do not take it all the way to the convention, PLEASE!
Harold Ickes speaking on MSNBC right now to say that AP report is wrong, "Mr Obama does not have the nomination and will not have the nomination". He does say he doesn't see it going to the convention though. If Obama hits 2118... "When you hear it you'll hear it" "She will say what she says when she says it"
John Perez of California officially endorses Obama after leaving Clinton and being undecided for a few months.
John Oliver supports Obama, magic number down to 35.
33 and 1/2 away according to MSNBC.
Personal Note: Chelsea Clinton is freaking hot. If it wasn't for my die hard Obama support, I would love to have her back in the White House and the public eye again.. Mmmm Chelsea. Hopefully she'll run for President in a decade or two.
John McCain praised Clinton yesterday saying she opened the door for more woman to run for President.
Obama just picked up 3 more.... down to 30.5.
Sorry, 8 hour lunch break.
John McCain just spoke, gave Clinton and Obama props but then went in to the same old rhetoric.
Clinton wants to sit down with Obama privately, most likely in D.C. or NYC. Could be as early as tomorrow night, as Clinton does not want to concede until she talks to him.
Hilary Clinton walking towards the stage right now for her speech!
Hilary congratulates Obama, saying he inspired many Americans to care and get involved. We are stronger as a result of his efforts.
"Yes She Will!"...lol
This has been a long campaign and Clinton will be making no decisions tonight! She wants to hear from her supporters through her website.
South Daktoa goes to Clinton, Obama wins Montana and now has enough delegates to be the presumptive nominee!!
Obama's walk up to the stage to address their victory tonight!
Michelle gives Barack pounds as she leaves the stage.
Barack mentioned Hilary to immense applause from the audience. She is a woman who has done what no other has and is a strong leader. He congratulates her on her victory tonight and her entire race in general.
Obama says McCain's policies can be described many ways, but change is not one of them.
"Yes We Can!!"
"We may call ourselves Democrats and Republicans but we are Americans first we are always Americans first!"
"America this is our moment this is our time"
Next Day
Hilary doesn't concede yet, but it doesn't matter because Barack has enough delegates.
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