So good old George W. has about 7 months and 2 days left in office. He is already going to be known as the President who went to war for, well for alot of reasons, but none of them known to the American people. As the President who made fortunes for his family and friends through big oil companies, independent contractors in Iraq, and by looking the other way as crimes were being committed against the American people. And lastly as the President and Administration who were so controversial that a slightly substantial amount of American citizens believe them to be capable of lies, crimes, atrocities.
So, with this kind of legacy behind him, what does G.W. decided to do with his last few months? Attempt to rally support for war in Iran throughout Europe and demand that Congress lift the ban on offshore oil drilling, with the very strong support of Republican Presidential Nominee John McCain.
Lately the President has been apologizing for the War in Iraq. Not for waging it, or handling it poorly, but for the rhetoric he used in order to bring us to war. Yet he spends the next week after this apology using the exact same words he did about Iraq, only substituting Iran in. Bush is using the same tactics and the same rhetoric to start a conflict that honestly the US can't handle right now. An attack on Iran would provoke Hezbollah, N. Korea, Syria and Palestinians, not to mention China and Russia wouldn't be too happy about it.
People in the Middle East understood our reaction to 9/11 in Afghanistan, and no one cared about Iraq, hell almost everyone hated Saddam. So they were happy to see him go, but now these people want us out of their part of the world. We cannot just go in and bomb any nation we want, we cannot occupy nations on a suspicion, and we should most certainly not enter in to conflicts we can't win. War in Iran would be catastrophic, there would be no clear end in sight. America would have the entire middle East up in arms against the foreign occupier, it would be going against the United Nations, not to mention a few nations with nuclear weapons. If this doesn't sound like the start of World War 3 than I don't know what would? War with Iran is not a good idea is what I am trying to say.
As for his attempts to open up the shores to drilling, these demands, made to look like an attempt to help the American people at the pump, are actually ploys to garner more fortunes for Big Oil. It would take years for any sort of drilling in the Atlantic or Pacific to create any sort of substantial supply. Prices at that time would be even higher than today, and the oil companies who we allowed to drill would make even more profit selling it to us, because they would be getting it right here at home and not need to go through any foreign nations. With less spent on shipping, taxes for importing, and less spent per barrel, the oil companies would be making a fortune selling it to Americans at exorbitant prices. It's all a scam, don't fall for Bush's deceit.
Bush's attempt to scare the American public in to war again and in to his Big Oil scheming will not work. We have seen his real intentions, he doesn't care about the American people, he cares about his buddies in Big Business, his family and himself. This buffoon is almost out of office, just don't let him make any more changes to our Constitution or start any unjustified wars or create any energy policies and we should be fine. I hope!
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