Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My Declaration of Independence

In the long history of man kind there have been many attempts at Governing the people. Communism, Socialism, Fascism, Dictatorships, Military Juntas, Royalties, and so on. One shining light in the world has always been Democracy. A Government for the people by the people.

Greece may have started this great tradition, but America certainly didn't do it any disfavors in it's original inception. The Founding Fathers of these United States of America offered their lives, fortunes and reputation to free themselves from the unjust rule of a foreign and relentlessness government who did not listen to their voice about any matters of importance.

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Safety and Happiness is all most people want. We in America have a semblance of it. But is it all an illusion, are we lead to believe we are happy? Do we not question the powers that be about their motives and actions because we are content with fast food, Prozac and late night talk shows? Do we not yearn for more?

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

The abandonment of a long standing institution of rule is not an easy thing to initiate and come out victorious attempting. People are comfortable with the status quo.

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

However what many people don't know is that our very own Declaration of Independence states that if the ruling Government is deemed incapable of doing their job, and serving the people properly, than that Government not only can but should be replaced.

Making change to an existing form of Government does not have to be a violent coup d’état, or a treasonous act of terrorism, change starts from the inside out. But before I get in to how to do that I would like to take the time to explain the many reasons why we need to start creating real change by the people for the people.

Since the attack on the US on 09/11/2001 the American people have had three of their Constitutional rights severely crippled. With mass wiretapping, spying and illegal search taking away any notion of a warrant, due process being thrown out the door for any suspected "terrorists", and with some of our expressions of freedom now being monitored and jailed for we are no longer a truly free nation.

We have in place currently a government who has been proven to have lied to the people in order to distract us enough to allow them to start two unprovoked wars. Even as the people demand the war to be brought to an end the Government has stopped all care about what the people want and are more focused on what their oil, defense contract, and banking buddies want.

If you think that this is the first administration to lie to the American people you are severely disillusioned. We have been lied to for nearly a century, if not more. Read a little about Operation Northwood and you will see that our Government is capable of horrendous activity.

We currently have in place a voting system that doesn't truly represent the people's wishes. The Electoral College and Party Delegates have to be completely disbanded in order to have a fair and true voice of the people.

Big business, wealthy donors, large unions, foreign royalty, and many other aspects are guiding our Government right now. With only their interests in mind and not the welfare or considerations of the common people.

To quote the Deceleration of Independence once more

"He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation."


We are under the rule of a government who are technically American citizens, but do not truly respond to the majority of US. When was the last time you got your one on one time with the President of the United States or a Senator of your state?

The only way we can make our voice heard is through voting and even that is rigged. Not truly rigged as in conspiracy, fake votes, electronic scandal way. But rigged to the point where we as a country have been forced to take one side or the other in a political debate that is more about personality and actions than actual intelligent subject matter and issues.

We as a society have been force fed washed down news stories that are controlled by the government and the large corporations that own the news media outlets.

We as a nation have been unjustly told that we cannot partake in certain activities that do no harm to anyone, just because of the paranoia and greed of certain individuals.

A free society chooses what is right and wrong for themselves and their communities. They do so with consensus and fair treatment of everyone's opinions on the matter. A free society does not condemn people for stating their perception of a topic.

A democratic society is one in which all the people are engaged in the political discourse and are given equal amount of power. Every vote should count and every citizen should make it their civic duty to vote. The Government can of course make it easier by allowing voting on a weekend instead of Tuesday, over the internet, phone, etc.

America was founded on the basic assumption that the governing body of any given people should listen to them. Their requests, demands, ideas, concerns, everything. They should not make unfair and harsh laws that take away inalienable rights. They should also not lie and manipulate the people they supposedly serve.

We need an informed and active citizenry. We need people who want to partake in political debate. Who care about the issues that affect their lives, and who are willing to take some of their own time out to work for change.

We need dedicated individuals to start voicing their opinion on how they want their nation and their world to look like. We need the next generation of politicians to step up and make their voice heard. Not the next generation of Republicans or Democrats with the same old ideas, but the next generation of American Citizens who have ideas that go beyond party borders and beyond preexisting prejudices and naivety.

My name is Frank Somma and I am Declaring my Independence. I no longer adhere to the conformity of a two party system. I no longer will stand by idly as the Government that is supposedly serving me, makes it abundantly clear they serve no one but themselves. I will make a change by being active in my community, in my state and in my nation. I will have my voice be heard.

1 comment:

TheZenTurtle said...

Please feel free to sign on the comments section to make this your Declaration of Independence as well.