10 Steps to Simplify Your Life
1) Relationships: Sort through all the relationships you are part of, and weed out the good from the bad. Only in this is there the possibility to gain fresh new outlooks on the world and on other people.
2)Possessions: You are not your possessions, you are not your friends and family, you are not your awards and degrees. You are matter made conscious. You are a physical object with the ability to think!
3) Money:
Money is important, we need to earn it, we need to spend it, but it should not be the all encompassing reason for our lives. We should not spend our entire life in the constant pursuit of it thinking that it will solve our problems. Lastly we should not waste the money we do have!
4) Work:
Relax, kick back and enjoy the world around you. Money isn't needed to do something that simple, so working your life away is just silly. Don't let your job determine how your life is run, find a job based on your life style!
5) Religion:
Take aspects of all great world religions and philosophies and create your own religion. Pagan, Abrahamic, Dharmic, Modern all of these types of religions make incredible points and give great advice. Many of them have done great things for the world. But how can any single one of them have it right over the rest of them?
6) Food & Drink:
We not only have over done the amount of food we eat, but also the type. We eat processed and chemically enhanced foods. As well as horribly mistreated and genetically mutated meats. We depend on a 15 year old high school student to cook us our "number 1 with coke". What ever happened to cooking your own food, using ingredients that are good for you or at the very least going out to a nice restaurant?
7) Housing:
You can get a job that houses you, like state parks, camps, ski resorts, etc. If you live alone and don't have much stuff you can rent a room from someone instead of an entire studio apartment. You can couch surf, stay at a hostel, work on a farm,
hell I know someone in college who lived in a tent in the woods on campus. There are SO many ways to live, be comfortable, spend very little, and still be part of society.
8) Transportation:
Since the dawn of the age of man there have been nomadic tribes who spent their entire lives traveling from one location to the next. They did this mostly on foot, although I am sure some used horse or donkey or whatever means they had available. Mans deep seated need to be in perpetual motion will be with us for the rest of time. From our two feet that can bring us to the store around the corner to the space ship that can bring us to the Moon we are always looking for new ways to get around.
Asides from wanting to get places we also *need* to get places. Work, school, extracurricular activities, sports, the gym, the super market, so on and so on. The majority of us use our cars to get to these places. However with rising fuel prices and concerns about the ecosystem being raised to epic proportion many people are reconsidering their every day use of the automobile.
So what does this mean for transportation of the future, it means we have to be much more thoughtful of how we get around and much more inventive. Segues, smart cars, electric bicycles, hydrogen fueled cars, these are our future. These are the developments that we have to start implementing in to our every day lives in order to start making a change from the inside out. But these advances in technology can only bring us so far, it is in back tracking our tech that we find our greatest advances.
Walking, biking, jogging, car pooling and mass transit are abundant and readily available. Instead of having 4 cars for a 4 person family why don't we cut back down to a family car? Share that vehicle or two evenly and when you aren't the one driving it use other means of transportation.
While walking certain places may take you longer, the beauty of your surroundings goes unnoticed as you speed past in your car every day. The longer walk may make you see something you never even noticed about your own neighborhood. Not to mention the added benefit of free excessive. Forget about monthly gym payments, just walk more.
I find walking to be very meditative. I just block everything out all my worries and concerns, the idea of where I am going and where I came from. Each step is a new adventure and each foot gives me new opportunity. I can explore areas that are inaccessible by car and I can take shortcuts that would never present themselves normally.
I own a vehicle, but still barely use it. I walk to work and most other places close by and try to share rides if I need to get somewhere farther away. I use my vehicle only in long distance travel.
This entry has been very hard to centralize and put one definitive point across, but in general, all I am trying to say is that there are more ways to get around than just plane, train and automobile. Learn to love walking and you will find your life will become much healthier, more productive, and less hectic.
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