10 Steps to Simplify Your Life
1) Relationships: Sort through all the relationships you are part of, and weed out the good from the bad. Only in this is there the possibility to gain fresh new outlooks on the world and on other people.
2)Possessions: You are not your possessions, you are not your friends and family, you are not your awards and degrees. You are matter made conscious. You are a physical object with the ability to think!
3) Money:
Money is important, we need to earn it, we need to spend it, but it should not be the all encompassing reason for our lives. We should not spend our entire life in the constant pursuit of it thinking that it will solve our problems. Lastly we should not waste the money we do have!
4) Work:
Relax, kick back and enjoy the world around you. Money isn't needed to do something that simple, so working your life away is just silly. Don't let your job determine how your life is run, find a job based on your life style!
5) Religion:
Take aspects of all great world religions and philosophies and create your own religion. Pagan, Abrahamic, Dharmic, Modern all of these types of religions make incredible points and give great advice. Many of them have done great things for the world. But how can any single one of them have it right over the rest of them?
6)Food & Drink:
One of the three prime necessities of life. Nourishment. We need to eat and drink, however we do not need to eat and drink quite as much as we have found the ability to do. Our nation has an over abundance of food. Super markets, fast food chains, eating contests, buffets. With this giant bread bowl of a nation we have carved our names in to, we have found a great resource for population growth and of course belly bloating. But just because we have it does it mean we should take such advantage of it?
My personal belief is that just because it is there, doesn't mean we have to use it. We not only have over done the amount of food we eat, but also the type. We eat processed and chemically enhanced foods. As well as horribly mistreated and genetically mutated meats. We depend on a 15 year old high school student to cook us our "number 1 with coke". What ever happened to cooking your own food, using ingredients that are good for you or at the very least going out to a nice restaurant?
Eating healthy and responsibly doesn't cost as much as most people think. Strictly organic and health food stores or sections of super markets are going to charge more. But that doesn't mean you can't buy more natural foods. I do not want to get in to a shopping list of foods but just look at the food pyramid. Everything you need and most of it possible to purchase for cheap, or even grow in your own backyard for free!
Lastly, drinking water, juice, tea, and milk IMO is better tasting and in everyone's opinion healthier than drinking soda, coffee, iced tea, and concentrates.
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