The YCL is a youth group movement in Nepal that is around to fight for what they believe is their rights. I was surprised to learn that Britain and America also have YCL groups. From what I can ascertain these groups use some extreme methods at times but have also been the victim of the same types of attacks by their home governments. What I am trying to get to though is the idea, of a youth movement joining forces and attempting to bring about the change they so desperately believe in. I am in no way promoting communism or extremism (even though the original ideas of Marxism are genius, but have been perverted horribly). American youth is so segregated and diverse that it almost seems impossible for us to band together in such a manner. To protest and demonstrate against the imperialistic force that is the American Government or the capitalistic force that is the American Media, or whatever other cause needs to be addressed. We have the internet and Nintendo, there's no need for us to take to the streets to demand our rights be enforced and our liberties be protected. Other nations that don't have such technological and societal subjects to take their mind of the world around them are readily available and prepared to do what needs to be done. But the youth of America is too busy with MTV and Myspace to take such steps. But herein lies the opposing view of my former statement. We can use MTV and Myspace and all these other technological advances to our benefit. We do not need to take to the streets when the internet can tie us all together on a much larger scale without the need to be in one set location. Cell phones and video cameras and Wi-fi and laptops can bring about a youth league that doesn't need to be together to make an impact. We just need to take the time and effort to get it off the ground. We need to care about what our nation is up to, and what our lives will be like in the future. We need to care about media and capitalism and democracy. We take all these things for granted so when small sections of our civil liberties are taken away from us we think "Well we still have it better off than communism and dictatorships". But why think of it that way? Why let any of our liberties be taken away for any reason? We should stand up for things we believe in, we should start believing in things that matter and we should join with people who have the same ideologies as ourselves to make the people in charge of our lives know just exactly how we feel!
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