Thursday, April 3, 2008

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"

10 Steps to Simplify Your Life
1) Relationships: Sort through all the relationships you are part of, and weed out the good from the bad. Only in this is there the possibility to gain fresh new outlooks on the world and on other people.

2)Possessions: You are not your possessions, you are not your friends and family, you are not your awards and degrees. You are matter made conscious. You are a physical object with the ability to think!

3) Money:
Money is important, we need to earn it, we need to spend it, but it should not be the all encompassing reason for our lives. We should not spend our entire life in the constant pursuit of it thinking that it will solve our problems. Lastly we should not waste the money we do have!

4) Work
We all work at some point in our lives, well most of us at least, and the majority of working folk are unhappy with their job or at the very most content with it. Not many people I know get up in the morning thinking to themselves "Yes I have work today I can't wait to get in and put in as many hours as possible!"
Jobs are easy to get, teenagers start working while still in high school to learn the importance of a dollar and work ethic. But while jobs are easy to get careers are much harder to attain. Today it is nearly impossible to find yourself in a good career without years of extra schooling after high school. Whether it is a 4 year degree or a doctorate, these extensive training programs prepare teenagers and 20 somethings for working in the same area of specialty FOREVER, or until another degree is attained.
Personally I cannot stand to live like that. I do not want to be stuck in the same job or similar jobs for the rest of my life, and that is why after 3 years in collage I decided it was not right for me. I simplified my life by being content with menial positions making $10 an hour instead of $25, and I make due that way because I am meticulous with my money and where I spend it. Most people work so much because they think they need to be making a certain amount to survive. But once we reassess our possessions, relationships and attachment to money we will realize that work is not the most important thing in the world.
If you are unhappy with your job, get a new one! If you are unsure about what you're going to school for, take some time off and rethink it. Don't waste more money on a degree you will not even end up using! Don't waste more time miserable in a job that you hate. If it means making less money but being happier, then adjust to it!
Find something you love doing, and do it. I personally don't have a full time career, I take seasonal jobs every winter and summer, in beautifully scenic places. Then in the spring and fall I have saved up enough money to take off for a few months and relax, take road trips, visit friends and family. It's great. I know people with a family to attend after can't do this, but MANY people my age can, yet don't. They believe they have to start working all the time while young so they don't have to when they're older, or so they can own a home or a nice car or whatever. Well I have a news flash for you, that won't happen, you'll be working the rest of your life most likely to pay for that home and the family you put in it. So take the time now to attempt to find something you want to do, and don't work so hard! Relax, kick back and enjoy the world around you. Money isn't needed to do something that simple, so working your life away is just silly. Don't let your job determine how your life is run, find a job based on your life style!

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