Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Abandon Your Friends

10 Steps to Simplify Your Life

No matter what you do there is almost no way to rid yourself from the society in which you claim to be no part of, yet actively progress, and disagree with wholeheartedly, yet couldn't live without. We all at one point or another start to think to ourselves "Wow am I really part of this American Idol worshiping, Britney Spears following, over worked under paid, mis-educated, down trotten Society we like to call America?" Especially in teen years when rebellion from society just creates sub societies, or niches and cliques or whatever else they can be termed. So instead of dying your hair purple or getting a tattoo to feel like you're being a rebel outcast to society why don't you try understanding that you will never be outside of society, no matter how hard you try.
Instead why don't we learn how to live peacefully in the society we inhabit. My first peace of advice on how to do so is to take a good hard look around your friends, family, co workers, people at the bank, store clerks, everyone near and dear to you. Take some real deep consideration in to the idea that many of these people, *you do not like*. Even in many cases some of your best friends! Sure you like being with them because there is no one else to be with at times, but when it comes down to it some of the people in your life really just bug you to no end. Why is this? If you ask me it is because we depend to readily on proximity relationships. We like these certain people not because they are best suited towards our interests and likes, but because they are the closest in physical proximity to us.
Now when we realize that we realize that we have friends *everywhere*, you just haven't met them yet. When I moved to PA for 6 months I knew no one but my family. So what did I do, I made friends. After a few months these friends have grown to mean almost as much to me as my friends back home had. Oh and the mail man here was a decent replacement for the one back home too. Everywhere we go there are replacements for the people who make us feel comfortable. The reason most of us stay in one place our entire life or close to it, is because we feel comfortable with the people we have around us and would feel desolate and lonely just getting up and heading to a new town.
That's where finding your true feelings towards your current friends and associates comes in handy. Once you can truly express how you feel towards those who annoy you, you can feel comfortable with your ability to rid your life of non essential people in order to free the space to gain brand new ones that might be much more suitable to your needs and wants. You will realize that maybe this city is not right for you and you need to move to a more conservative town, or that this school isn't right and you should have gone to a trade school. You will not only learn how to supplement individuals with replacements, but entire institutions can be replaced as well.
Once we feel comfortable in our ability to transcend our fears of being alone and our inhibitions in meeting new people, we will feel alot more comfortable with the society around us, because we will know where we stand inside of it, and who we care to share that space with. Sort through all the relationships you are part of, and weed out the good from the bad. Only in this is there the possibility to gain fresh new outlooks on the world and on other people.

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