"I'm a fucking redneck who likes to snow board and ride dirt bikes. But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some shit, and just fuckin' chill I guess. Ya fuck with me I'll kick ass."
~Levi Johnson's MySpace Page
AKA Sarah Palin's daughters baby's daddy.
"If there was a black teenage male with a Myspace page that was anywhere comparable to that white kids Myspace page, and he was Barack Obamas daughters baby's daddy, the election would be over."
~From Real Time with Bill Maher
Ain't it the truth.
Oh and this comment from Levis Myspace is very telling as well.
"The latest entry reads: "ABORT ABORT ABORT."
"I've talked it over with Bristol, and I think we're going to have an abortion. I hope her mom doesn't find out about this ... does anybody know where the nearest abortion clinic is from Wasilla, AK??"
Since John McCain chose Sarah Palin this Levi kid has been put up to a shot gun wedding. He's being forced suddenly to marry this girl, have a kid and be in the national spot light, when all he wants to do is "shoot some shit" and abort the kid.
I feel for him.
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