Sunday, November 29, 2009

Collection Perfection

The accumulation of material possessions that is inevitable in ones life can start to take on meaning beyond it's inherent nature. A collection can have many different types of worth, sentimental, monetary, real world, essential, or just humorous. Everyone collects something, pictures, coins, guns, plants, or something as simple as memories. At all times we are expanding our collection of memories, experiences, and thoughts. By choice we buy books, movies, and music. Almost seemingly on accident we fill our homes with keepsakes and heirlooms. In an attempt to fill a void or make a buck we adhere to hobbies. Collecting and organizing is seemingly in our nature as humans. We must understand its inherent value and not let it consume our conscious mind, skewing our true perception and present opportunities. To have personal affects, to keep certain items throughout your worldly travels is natural. To be attached to these items and feel disproportional loss at their demise is societal conditioning. The complete distruction of ones personal belongings is not necessarty to find peace, but the complete disowning of said items is! Act as if all and any posessions you contain in your presence at any given time are ephemeral, lasting only a short time, to be passed on to their next owner, or find their inevitable end and destruction in your care. You do not own anything, you can only watch over stuff for a given amount of time...

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