It pains me so much to know all of this stuff is going on in America. Old ladies being beaten by cops, students in a library being tased for not showing an ID, congress letting the President push them around in order to push US around. Our 1st, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 13th amendments being completely obliterated, with the peoples approval!! Our fears have brought us to the point where we let the government spy on us and enter our homes without warrants. Military roam the streets doing police work. Executive orders are in place that will allow the government to take over EVERY SINGLE aspect of American life from farms to nuclear power plants, your car to your house. This isn't some possible future if we don't act now, this is the present, this is the world we live in right this second. Can you imagine how much further it may go if we just sit back and let this happen?
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008

John McCain has chosen to run as his vice President a female Governor from Alaska.
"In naming her as his vice presidential running mate Friday, Sen. John McCain hailed Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as “someone who has fought against corruption.” But Palin is under two ethics investigations springing from accusations that she abused her office to pursue a personal grudge."
Sounds like a good pick all around for a Republican ticket. It reaffirms the right wing ideologies of John McCain while also bringing in some Independent woman as well as Hillary supporters. Might be something for the Dems to worry a little about, but I think the second she has to debate Joe Biden her weaknesses will glare.
Very interesting turn of events, really came out of left field and makes this campaign season all that much more crazy. Two possible firsts to vote for, but we all know who the right one to choose is, right?
Democratic National Convention

What was bound to be an emotional, historic and eventful convention, for me, did not let down. There were pundits and critics saying that the convention started out too weak, not attacking the Republicans and John McCain hard enough. But why is it that the convention would need to be just about the negatives of the Republican party? Why couldn't it also be about how great the Democratic party is? Why couldn't it be about the historic primary season between Hillary and Barack, without people claiming the Clinton's were getting too much spotlight? Why couldn't it be a celebration of Ted Kennedy's life, a call to arms from past nominees Al Gore and John Kerry and a time to meet the Obama family as well as the Bidens?
That is exactly what this convention was. The first night introduced us to Michelle Obama, her life story and how it intermingled with Baracks, and the values and American spirit of their family.
Michelle Obamas speech did *exactly* what it should have done. It brought emotion to the listeners, it told the story of her life and it introduced the Obamas to the country, not as new comers to the political system, or black power radicals, or aloof celebrities, but as a real life American family who has struggled, and overcome life's adversities to find themselves at the top of their professions and with a family to envy.
While introducing the Obamas to the country was the first nights theme, the second night was an attempt to unify Hillary's supporters and bring them in to the fold to help Barrack. If this speech didn't move them, than nothing will.
Hillary showed her unwavering support for the Democratic ticket. She also told her own exhilarating tale, and of how she put 18 million cracks in that glass ceiling that held woman back from being President for so long. She had *every* right to talk about herself even in this celebration and coronation of Barack Obama as their nominee. Hillary has showed us that it isn't if a woman will be president anymore, but when. Her supporters should be as proud as anyone else, but at the same time should understand that her stances are nearly identical to Baracks. He will make the changes that Hillary would, while John McCain will attempt to rid our country of abortion, ignore the health care problems we face, and fumble the economy in these harshest of times. Supporting John McCain after supporting Hillary Clinton is as irrational as it gets.
Night three may have been Joe Bidens big speech, but in my mind Bill Clinton stole the night. He gave a speech that had me clapping and cheering in my own living room. He truly drilled McCain, while giving his reasons for Barack being ready to take the oath of office.
After receiving a 3 minute standing ovation in which he almost had to sound forceful to ask people to sit down so he could start, he jumped right in to showing his support for Barack. He very easily could have started out by talking about his wife, or talking about his legacy, but instead he began by showing his devoted support for the Democratic party and for Barack Obama. In comparing his legacy later on to what Barack's could bring us he no doubt plucked at the heart strings of many Americans who remember the 90's with high esteem. In comparing how the country was in 2000 when he left office to how it is 8 years later as Bush leaves office he really gave a credible show of support for how the Republicans have destroyed our economy, military, international affairs, and much more.
Night 4, 80,000 people gathered 1 Mile High to hear 1 man speak. Barack Obamas biggest night of his life, on the 45th anniversary of one of the most important speeches given *ever*. How did he do? If you ask me he knocked it out of the park. But take a look and make your own judgment.
45 minutes, and not a single second that the crowd in person or the crowd watching on TV lost interest. I personally hung on every single word, believed in him when he made promises to fix health care, rid us of our dependency on foreign oil in 10 years, train and pay teachers better, help students pay for college if they support their community or country, and so many other promises. I agreed with him when he claimed that after 8 years of Republican blunders enough is finally enough! I was proud of him as he gave proper due to John McCain's service to this country but questioned his understanding of the working class struggle in America. I felt hope as he quoted Martin Luther King Jr. and gave his vision of what America not only should be but can be.
Barack Obama is the leader we need now. Because of his stances on important issues, because of his judgment on the national and international affairs we face, and because of the hope and inspiration he instills in us to want to do something for our neighbors and for our country.
"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country."
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
9/11 Was an Inside Job MSNBC
I caught this on live TV earlier on and thought it was kind of annoying. I agree 9/11 was an inside job, but come the fuck on, is screaming in to a bull horn over and over the way to get the message out? It just makes Alex Jones sound like an idiot if you ask me.
Global Cooling?
I have read in the past that due to global warming, if/when the majority of the ice in the North Pole melts, all that fresh water will come rushing in to the oceans destroying a centuries old current that cycles warm air through the Atlantic from Europe to America and back around. If this cycle is broken it would actually cause global cooling, and possibly create a new mini ice age. So global warming may not be what we have to fear here, but actual global cooling in the long run. Another recent study of sun spots and current temperature also shows the possibility of cooling instead of the much feared warming everyone keeps hearing about.

The balance between natural and synthetic, ancient and modern, and human and technology is a very delicate issue. When do certain beliefs and practices from the past become outdated and possibly keep us from attaining further development as a species? When does the move towards synthetic medicines, materials and foods create health, resource, and moral tears in the relationship between us and the world we live on? When does technological intervention in human affairs and conditions create a post-human individual who relies on artificial advances to generate higher perceptions and understanding of the world around them? All of these things are good. On both sides of the spectrum, nature and synthetic, ancient and modern, human and technology. They all have their benefits and their downfalls, the magic is in balancing the extremes in a manner that allows both of them to flourish and grow without lessening the impact of it's opposite.
With all of that out of the way I would like to introduce the worlds first (as far as I am aware) Online Buddhist Temple. Made by Buddhist monk in Japan to share their thoughts and daily Japanese culture. Incredibly interesting stuff, check it out.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Libertarian Party
Over the past hour I have been scouring the Libertarian Parties website to understand their history and stances. From what I can ascertain so far, they are truly the party of the people by the people. Looking out for individual rights, attempting to scale down Government corruption and control over our civil rights, and taking a very rational and logical stance on how to create true change in our country. Fuck the Democrats, Fuck the Republicans, The Libertarian Party is where it's at. This has not changed my perception of Barack Obama as the person who need's to be president in this election cycle. But it does change my perception of US politics and my future alignment to candidates.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Month of Firsts!

The first Olympian to ever achieve 8 Gold Medals in one Olympics. The first time a European nation has been invaded without legal consent since the Cold War. The first time a tropical storm has ever hit one state 4 separate times! Michael Phelps, Russia and Tropical Storm Fay have made history this month. Becoming some of the most controversial and important subject matter not only this summer but this decade and possibly this century. Phelps record may never be beaten, Russia may be leading us down a long war torn future and Fay ... well Fay while it hasn't become a hurricane still has killed upwards of 40 people, flooded dozens of neighborhoods and destroyed thousands of houses on it's historic path zig zagging the state of Florida heading towards Georgia and Louisiana. Quite a month we've had to end the summer. Oh man and the most important first this month. The first African American to receive the nomination of a major political party in the United States will occur next Thursday. Not to mention Usain Bolt has just become the fastest man alive. August 2008 may be remembered as one of the most historic months in the history of mankind. That sounds like incredible exaggeration, but what other single month can you think of that has had so much impact and world shattering events occur at once?
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Want a free Obama/Biden sticker? MoveOn's giving them away totally free--even the shipping's free. I just got mine, and wanted to share the opportunity with you.
Click this link to get a free Obama/Biden sticker:
George W. Vacation Time

Does the President spend more time on vacation than anyone else in the world? He is on vacation right now, he spent the past few weeks watching the Olympics, which is just about the same as a vacation, he spent much of his first few months as president on vacation. Shouldn't he be doing something productive in his last few months in office, try to make his name a little more respected around the world and possibly leave a positive impact on the country he lead for almost a decade. Even though almost any positive's would surely be overshadowed by the atrocities he has committed. Do we have a set amount of time Presidents are allowed to vacation, because if not we should definitely implement one.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Fall TV!
It's almost upon us, the new Fall TV Seasons! Lots of returning favorites for me such as Heroes, Chuck and My Name is Earl. But what about new shows? These are the 4 new series and 1 mini series I am looking forward to this Fall.
Russias War, Chinas Olympics.
The past two weeks have been crazy. Here is a recap, a VERY long recap of the war in Georgia and the Olympics occurring in Beijing.
Georgia Struck First

Just a reminder to all those who are demeaning and ostracizing Russia for their actions against their tiny neighbor over the past two weeks, Georgia struck first! They started this conflict yet American media has made Russia to be the aggressor and soul bad guy in the situation. Mainly because Georgia is a close American ally who has sent troops to Iraq, wants to join NATO and supports George W. Sure Russia is not completely in the right with their disproportionate attack and their promise to leave the country multiple times and not fulfilling it, but remember Georgia started this conflict, just because Russia is ending it does not mean they are "bad guys". The world is not that black and white.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Brits have it worse than US!

"The UK government has decided to spend hundreds of millions of pounds (gajillions of dollars in US currency) on a huge central silo for all of the country's communications data. What'll that entail? Well, apparently "the one-stop-shop database will retain details of all calls, texts, emails, instant messenger conversations and websites accessed in the UK for up to two years." Oh my."
And here I thought FISA and the new domestic spying program in America was bad. England is enacting even harsher monitoring of their citizens electronic communications. Wow, a country more paranoid of their citizens than America and China, shocking.
Monday, August 18, 2008
“Anywhere is walking distance, if you've got the time.”

10 Steps to Simplify Your Life
1) Relationships: Sort through all the relationships you are part of, and weed out the good from the bad. Only in this is there the possibility to gain fresh new outlooks on the world and on other people.
2)Possessions: You are not your possessions, you are not your friends and family, you are not your awards and degrees. You are matter made conscious. You are a physical object with the ability to think!
3) Money:
Money is important, we need to earn it, we need to spend it, but it should not be the all encompassing reason for our lives. We should not spend our entire life in the constant pursuit of it thinking that it will solve our problems. Lastly we should not waste the money we do have!
4) Work:
Relax, kick back and enjoy the world around you. Money isn't needed to do something that simple, so working your life away is just silly. Don't let your job determine how your life is run, find a job based on your life style!
5) Religion:
Take aspects of all great world religions and philosophies and create your own religion. Pagan, Abrahamic, Dharmic, Modern all of these types of religions make incredible points and give great advice. Many of them have done great things for the world. But how can any single one of them have it right over the rest of them?
6) Food & Drink:
We not only have over done the amount of food we eat, but also the type. We eat processed and chemically enhanced foods. As well as horribly mistreated and genetically mutated meats. We depend on a 15 year old high school student to cook us our "number 1 with coke". What ever happened to cooking your own food, using ingredients that are good for you or at the very least going out to a nice restaurant?
7) Housing:
You can get a job that houses you, like state parks, camps, ski resorts, etc. If you live alone and don't have much stuff you can rent a room from someone instead of an entire studio apartment. You can couch surf, stay at a hostel, work on a farm,
hell I know someone in college who lived in a tent in the woods on campus. There are SO many ways to live, be comfortable, spend very little, and still be part of society.
8) Transportation:
Since the dawn of the age of man there have been nomadic tribes who spent their entire lives traveling from one location to the next. They did this mostly on foot, although I am sure some used horse or donkey or whatever means they had available. Mans deep seated need to be in perpetual motion will be with us for the rest of time. From our two feet that can bring us to the store around the corner to the space ship that can bring us to the Moon we are always looking for new ways to get around.
Asides from wanting to get places we also *need* to get places. Work, school, extracurricular activities, sports, the gym, the super market, so on and so on. The majority of us use our cars to get to these places. However with rising fuel prices and concerns about the ecosystem being raised to epic proportion many people are reconsidering their every day use of the automobile.
So what does this mean for transportation of the future, it means we have to be much more thoughtful of how we get around and much more inventive. Segues, smart cars, electric bicycles, hydrogen fueled cars, these are our future. These are the developments that we have to start implementing in to our every day lives in order to start making a change from the inside out. But these advances in technology can only bring us so far, it is in back tracking our tech that we find our greatest advances.
Walking, biking, jogging, car pooling and mass transit are abundant and readily available. Instead of having 4 cars for a 4 person family why don't we cut back down to a family car? Share that vehicle or two evenly and when you aren't the one driving it use other means of transportation.
While walking certain places may take you longer, the beauty of your surroundings goes unnoticed as you speed past in your car every day. The longer walk may make you see something you never even noticed about your own neighborhood. Not to mention the added benefit of free excessive. Forget about monthly gym payments, just walk more.
I find walking to be very meditative. I just block everything out all my worries and concerns, the idea of where I am going and where I came from. Each step is a new adventure and each foot gives me new opportunity. I can explore areas that are inaccessible by car and I can take shortcuts that would never present themselves normally.
I own a vehicle, but still barely use it. I walk to work and most other places close by and try to share rides if I need to get somewhere farther away. I use my vehicle only in long distance travel.
This entry has been very hard to centralize and put one definitive point across, but in general, all I am trying to say is that there are more ways to get around than just plane, train and automobile. Learn to love walking and you will find your life will become much healthier, more productive, and less hectic.
Legal Drinking Age

"But the statement makes clear the signers think the current law isn't working, citing a "culture of dangerous, clandestine binge-drinking," and noting that while adults under 21 can vote and enlist in the military, they "are told they are not mature enough to have a beer." Furthermore, "by choosing to use fake IDs, students make ethical compromises that erode respect for the law."
Not only do I think the legal drinking age should be reduced to 18, I also believe that children even younger than that should be allowed to have *a* beer or two with their parents approval and supervision. Many other nations around the world allow children as young as 13 to drink at family dinners, parties, etc and in doing so show their youth that drinking is not a game. In America we play beer pong and flip cup and binge drink and do keg stands because we are not allowed to drink for a quarter of our lives. So in our youth we hide it, we steal it, we over do it. Once we are allowed to drink we make a mockery of ourselves out at bars and clubs becoming slobbering idiots because we weren't raised in a manner that made alcohol a more abundantly understood and less tabooed subject matter. What a joke we are as a nation when it comes to alcohol and drugs. Instead of serious debate and deep thought we just push them to the back burner and ignore the real issues. If politicians think that talking about lowering the drinking age or legalizing marijuana is a ridiculous debate then they are sadly mistaken, these are real issues with real consequences that need to be addressed.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
How the Government Spies on You!

"German, an FBI agent for 16 years, said easing established limits on intelligence-gathering would lead to abuses against peaceful political dissenters. In addition to the Maryland case, he pointed to reports in the past six years that undercover New York police officers infiltrated protest groups before the 2004 Republican National Convention; that California state agents eavesdropped on peace, animal rights and labor activists; and that Denver police spied on Amnesty International and others before being discovered."
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Leon David Dorsey IV
"He'd walk down the street with a sawed-off shotgun tied to his arm and with a coat on and then just throw it open — just to see the reaction of people," Shook said. "He's a piece of work."
This quote is about Pistol Pete, a man who was sentenced to death yesterday. I opened the article because his nick name made it sound like an interesting read, but I didn't expect him to be Ted Bundy crazy. This guy was brutal, remorseless and killed for pleasure.
This quote is about Pistol Pete, a man who was sentenced to death yesterday. I opened the article because his nick name made it sound like an interesting read, but I didn't expect him to be Ted Bundy crazy. This guy was brutal, remorseless and killed for pleasure.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Haile Selassie I
"...until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned: That until there are no longer first-class and second class citizens of any nation; That until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes; That until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race; That until that day, the dream of lasting peace and world citizenship and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeting illusion, to be pursued but never attained; And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes that hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique and in South Africa in subhuman bondage have been toppled and destroyed; Until bigotry and prejudice and malicious and inhuman self-interest have been replaced by understanding and tolerance and good-will; Until all Africans stand and speak as free beings, equal in the eyes of all men, as they are in the eyes of Heaven; Until that day, the African continent will not know peace. We Africans will fight, if necessary, and we know that we shall win, as we are confident in the victory of good over evil..."
Haile Selassie I
Emperor of Ethiopia 1930-1974
God Incarnate to the Rastafari Movement
Haile Selassie I
Emperor of Ethiopia 1930-1974
God Incarnate to the Rastafari Movement
Monday, August 11, 2008
Russia VS Georgia
The fierce battle going on between Russia and Georgia over a the breakaway province of South Ossetia has George W. claiming that Russia's actions are "unacceptable and Russia's response is disproportionate." It is nice to see some acknowledgment and semblance of concern from our President but how can anyone take him seriously when talking about someone else unfairly attacking a sovereign nation. George W. can not ask another nation to stop its civil war, or it's attack on a neighbor, or it's mass genocide and human rights abuses because he is personally responsible for similar atrocities.
An aside. I think it is terrible that some people care how the death of 2000 people in the former Soviet Union affects gas prices, more than how to reach an agreement between the two sides.
The fierce battle going on between Russia and Georgia over a the breakaway province of South Ossetia has George W. claiming that Russia's actions are "unacceptable and Russia's response is disproportionate." It is nice to see some acknowledgment and semblance of concern from our President but how can anyone take him seriously when talking about someone else unfairly attacking a sovereign nation. George W. can not ask another nation to stop its civil war, or it's attack on a neighbor, or it's mass genocide and human rights abuses because he is personally responsible for similar atrocities.
An aside. I think it is terrible that some people care how the death of 2000 people in the former Soviet Union affects gas prices, more than how to reach an agreement between the two sides.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
My Declaration of Independence
In the long history of man kind there have been many attempts at Governing the people. Communism, Socialism, Fascism, Dictatorships, Military Juntas, Royalties, and so on. One shining light in the world has always been Democracy. A Government for the people by the people.
Greece may have started this great tradition, but America certainly didn't do it any disfavors in it's original inception. The Founding Fathers of these United States of America offered their lives, fortunes and reputation to free themselves from the unjust rule of a foreign and relentlessness government who did not listen to their voice about any matters of importance.
"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Safety and Happiness is all most people want. We in America have a semblance of it. But is it all an illusion, are we lead to believe we are happy? Do we not question the powers that be about their motives and actions because we are content with fast food, Prozac and late night talk shows? Do we not yearn for more?
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
The abandonment of a long standing institution of rule is not an easy thing to initiate and come out victorious attempting. People are comfortable with the status quo.
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
However what many people don't know is that our very own Declaration of Independence states that if the ruling Government is deemed incapable of doing their job, and serving the people properly, than that Government not only can but should be replaced.
Making change to an existing form of Government does not have to be a violent coup d’état, or a treasonous act of terrorism, change starts from the inside out. But before I get in to how to do that I would like to take the time to explain the many reasons why we need to start creating real change by the people for the people.
Since the attack on the US on 09/11/2001 the American people have had three of their Constitutional rights severely crippled. With mass wiretapping, spying and illegal search taking away any notion of a warrant, due process being thrown out the door for any suspected "terrorists", and with some of our expressions of freedom now being monitored and jailed for we are no longer a truly free nation.
We have in place currently a government who has been proven to have lied to the people in order to distract us enough to allow them to start two unprovoked wars. Even as the people demand the war to be brought to an end the Government has stopped all care about what the people want and are more focused on what their oil, defense contract, and banking buddies want.
If you think that this is the first administration to lie to the American people you are severely disillusioned. We have been lied to for nearly a century, if not more. Read a little about Operation Northwood and you will see that our Government is capable of horrendous activity.
We currently have in place a voting system that doesn't truly represent the people's wishes. The Electoral College and Party Delegates have to be completely disbanded in order to have a fair and true voice of the people.
Big business, wealthy donors, large unions, foreign royalty, and many other aspects are guiding our Government right now. With only their interests in mind and not the welfare or considerations of the common people.
To quote the Deceleration of Independence once more
"He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation."
We are under the rule of a government who are technically American citizens, but do not truly respond to the majority of US. When was the last time you got your one on one time with the President of the United States or a Senator of your state?
The only way we can make our voice heard is through voting and even that is rigged. Not truly rigged as in conspiracy, fake votes, electronic scandal way. But rigged to the point where we as a country have been forced to take one side or the other in a political debate that is more about personality and actions than actual intelligent subject matter and issues.
We as a society have been force fed washed down news stories that are controlled by the government and the large corporations that own the news media outlets.
We as a nation have been unjustly told that we cannot partake in certain activities that do no harm to anyone, just because of the paranoia and greed of certain individuals.
A free society chooses what is right and wrong for themselves and their communities. They do so with consensus and fair treatment of everyone's opinions on the matter. A free society does not condemn people for stating their perception of a topic.
A democratic society is one in which all the people are engaged in the political discourse and are given equal amount of power. Every vote should count and every citizen should make it their civic duty to vote. The Government can of course make it easier by allowing voting on a weekend instead of Tuesday, over the internet, phone, etc.
America was founded on the basic assumption that the governing body of any given people should listen to them. Their requests, demands, ideas, concerns, everything. They should not make unfair and harsh laws that take away inalienable rights. They should also not lie and manipulate the people they supposedly serve.
We need an informed and active citizenry. We need people who want to partake in political debate. Who care about the issues that affect their lives, and who are willing to take some of their own time out to work for change.
We need dedicated individuals to start voicing their opinion on how they want their nation and their world to look like. We need the next generation of politicians to step up and make their voice heard. Not the next generation of Republicans or Democrats with the same old ideas, but the next generation of American Citizens who have ideas that go beyond party borders and beyond preexisting prejudices and naivety.
My name is Frank Somma and I am Declaring my Independence. I no longer adhere to the conformity of a two party system. I no longer will stand by idly as the Government that is supposedly serving me, makes it abundantly clear they serve no one but themselves. I will make a change by being active in my community, in my state and in my nation. I will have my voice be heard.
Greece may have started this great tradition, but America certainly didn't do it any disfavors in it's original inception. The Founding Fathers of these United States of America offered their lives, fortunes and reputation to free themselves from the unjust rule of a foreign and relentlessness government who did not listen to their voice about any matters of importance.
"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Safety and Happiness is all most people want. We in America have a semblance of it. But is it all an illusion, are we lead to believe we are happy? Do we not question the powers that be about their motives and actions because we are content with fast food, Prozac and late night talk shows? Do we not yearn for more?
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
The abandonment of a long standing institution of rule is not an easy thing to initiate and come out victorious attempting. People are comfortable with the status quo.
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
However what many people don't know is that our very own Declaration of Independence states that if the ruling Government is deemed incapable of doing their job, and serving the people properly, than that Government not only can but should be replaced.
Making change to an existing form of Government does not have to be a violent coup d’état, or a treasonous act of terrorism, change starts from the inside out. But before I get in to how to do that I would like to take the time to explain the many reasons why we need to start creating real change by the people for the people.
Since the attack on the US on 09/11/2001 the American people have had three of their Constitutional rights severely crippled. With mass wiretapping, spying and illegal search taking away any notion of a warrant, due process being thrown out the door for any suspected "terrorists", and with some of our expressions of freedom now being monitored and jailed for we are no longer a truly free nation.
We have in place currently a government who has been proven to have lied to the people in order to distract us enough to allow them to start two unprovoked wars. Even as the people demand the war to be brought to an end the Government has stopped all care about what the people want and are more focused on what their oil, defense contract, and banking buddies want.
If you think that this is the first administration to lie to the American people you are severely disillusioned. We have been lied to for nearly a century, if not more. Read a little about Operation Northwood and you will see that our Government is capable of horrendous activity.
We currently have in place a voting system that doesn't truly represent the people's wishes. The Electoral College and Party Delegates have to be completely disbanded in order to have a fair and true voice of the people.
Big business, wealthy donors, large unions, foreign royalty, and many other aspects are guiding our Government right now. With only their interests in mind and not the welfare or considerations of the common people.
To quote the Deceleration of Independence once more
"He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation."
We are under the rule of a government who are technically American citizens, but do not truly respond to the majority of US. When was the last time you got your one on one time with the President of the United States or a Senator of your state?
The only way we can make our voice heard is through voting and even that is rigged. Not truly rigged as in conspiracy, fake votes, electronic scandal way. But rigged to the point where we as a country have been forced to take one side or the other in a political debate that is more about personality and actions than actual intelligent subject matter and issues.
We as a society have been force fed washed down news stories that are controlled by the government and the large corporations that own the news media outlets.
We as a nation have been unjustly told that we cannot partake in certain activities that do no harm to anyone, just because of the paranoia and greed of certain individuals.
A free society chooses what is right and wrong for themselves and their communities. They do so with consensus and fair treatment of everyone's opinions on the matter. A free society does not condemn people for stating their perception of a topic.
A democratic society is one in which all the people are engaged in the political discourse and are given equal amount of power. Every vote should count and every citizen should make it their civic duty to vote. The Government can of course make it easier by allowing voting on a weekend instead of Tuesday, over the internet, phone, etc.
America was founded on the basic assumption that the governing body of any given people should listen to them. Their requests, demands, ideas, concerns, everything. They should not make unfair and harsh laws that take away inalienable rights. They should also not lie and manipulate the people they supposedly serve.
We need an informed and active citizenry. We need people who want to partake in political debate. Who care about the issues that affect their lives, and who are willing to take some of their own time out to work for change.
We need dedicated individuals to start voicing their opinion on how they want their nation and their world to look like. We need the next generation of politicians to step up and make their voice heard. Not the next generation of Republicans or Democrats with the same old ideas, but the next generation of American Citizens who have ideas that go beyond party borders and beyond preexisting prejudices and naivety.
My name is Frank Somma and I am Declaring my Independence. I no longer adhere to the conformity of a two party system. I no longer will stand by idly as the Government that is supposedly serving me, makes it abundantly clear they serve no one but themselves. I will make a change by being active in my community, in my state and in my nation. I will have my voice be heard.
50,000 Dead American Heroes
2974 people died on September 11th 2001 in the WTC attacks. But did you know that nearly 50,000 more people will die in the next 4 years due to contamination in the air they were breathing that they were told was absolutely fine? If you still believe 9/11 was staged by Islamic Extremists, I am sorry for your ignorance, but at least admit the faults of the government in ignoring first responders health issues, in stealing away our rights and in creating propaganda in the aftermath of the attack in order to bring us to war.
One Man Revolution

That's all it takes to make change. One person, one voice, one action. Everyone is waiting for someone else to attempt to make a change to the status quo, or hoping that just by voting for a certain candidate that change will come quick and easy. Well it won't. We all have to do our part in changing America and changing the world for the better. We have to start at home by enacting the changes you want to see in your own life. Start using renewable energy, don't wait for the government to mandate it. Start treating neighbors and strangers with respect, foreigners too. Start voicing your opinion for others to hear. Start making a change in the world around you and that change will spread to others. One man... or woman revolution, believe in it.
Friday, August 1, 2008
“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”
”Everyday, think as you wake up, ‘today I am fortunate to have woken up, I am alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others, to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings, I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others, I am going to benefit others as much as I can.’“~Dalai Lama
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