"I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."
"Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven."
~New Testament Matthew 19
So how does one get in to "heaven" when everyone is actually kept in the ancestral genetic codes inside human beings? What about the more commonly perceived notion of heaven as being an unearthly and blissful place?
This idea of heaven is accurate, it is real and it is attainable. However to die is the last thing you want to do in order to enter this state of consciousness. The only way to enter heaven is to do so while alive.
Jesus states very clearly his prerequisites, and they can be easily translated to any religion the world over. You must perceive the kingdom of God as if you were a little kid and as a person without an abundance of riches.
Only an innocent, imaginative, and unsullied mind can have the will power and vision to see passed the illusions that hide heaven from us. Only a person who has completely abandoned worldly riches and achievements can go beyond the world.
Only a person who is willing to let go of everything that makes them comfortable and everything that supposedly defines their existence can find heaven on earth. A person who still imagines and wonders and finds richness in friends and family.
Hoarding riches in life and giving up on imagination for logic will not get you to heaven. It will only bring you closer to death and the inevitable embrace of nothingness that the grave holds.
There are no definitive actions needed to be taken, only a state of mind to be had in order to fully perceive that heaven is already around you. Find heaven before you die and you will live forever, metaphorically speaking.
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