"America," is a state of mind. "Being an American" is a set of attitudes and actions, not a nationality or a posture of reflexive loyalty. This tribe of true "Americans" consists of people who have crossed a personal Rubicon of a specific kind and can no longer be satisfied with anything less than absolute liberty."~Naomi Wolf
1. free from imperfection; complete; perfect
2. not mixed or adulterated; pure
3. complete; outright
4. free from restriction or limitation; not limited in any way
1. freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control.
2. freedom from external or foreign rule; independence.
3. freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions
4. freedom from captivity, confinement, or physical restraint
Having freedom from government control and captivity not restricted in any way, is apparently the ultimate definition of "Absolute Liberty". Sounds awfully for from where America is today.
FISA allows warrantless wire tapping of our conversations.
The Patriot Act allows government to follow our internet habits, library usage, and even allows for cops to enter your home and snoop around without a warrant.
HR 1955 is an act that passed the house and is currently in the senate that would take away our rights to have certain political idea's and share them with others. Meaning protesting and speaking bad of the government could be considered domestic terrorism.
The $750 billion dollar bail out was deeply protested by the American people yet the Government passed it anyway, leading me to question, what happened to "government of the people, by the people, for the people"? Not to mention the government buying in to big banks is closing in on socialism.
The War on Drugs is perpetrated not with the mindset of curing people and ending the addictions, but with a mindset of throwing people away and trying to hide the problem. Stealing peoples freedom and liberty because of a disease, when talking about harder drugs such as cocaine and heroin. But than even worse is taking away peoples freedoms based on a harmless pass time when it comes to marijuana.
Government executive orders are in place that at the stroke of a Presidents pen would give government control over the entire infrastructure and work force of America, essentially creating a police state or a military junta.
I could go on, but I think the point is made. Absolute Freedom is not nearly what we the American people have. What scares me is how many people actually don't mind this. How many times I've heard, "They're not listening to my conversations I'm not a terrorist" or "If it keeps me safe let them listen". Don't these people get it, it's not about keeping us safe anymore, it's about keeping us under control. Keeping us nervous and scared so we are willing to slowly give away all of our absolute liberties.
All I can say is I hope a majority, or even a strong minority wake up and see that being American isn't just being born in America. Serving your country isn't following orders blindly. Truly being an American and serving the ideals of your country is constantly questioning those in charge and demanding their response. It's always withholding the ideals of absolute liberty and freedom that are outlined in our constitution and in our very souls. Be your own revolution.
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