Life is a continuous strand of moments entwined together in to hours, days, weeks, months, years and everything in between. We let these moments and these weeks slip by without notice. We consider how to value our lives based on what we perceive to be the pros and cons that have occurred to us in the past year or the past few months, but we rarely think to ourselves, have I become a better person since last week? Have I advanced my personal agenda, my spiritual understanding, my intellect and wisdom, or anything about myself? If you haven't found yourself advancing in that past week or that past month, did you decline or did you just stay stagnant? Either way the response should be the urge to stop standing still or taking steps back, but to start taking the steps necessary to advance yourself.
Life is a continuous battle against oneself, forever trying to be better than what you were the moment before. If you don't find yourself being better at your sport, or your career, or you technical skill, than you can never find yourself advancing in rank or pay. If you don't advance your spiritual, intellectual, physical or emotional understanding of the world than the same is true. You will never advance in rank or consciousness. It is not right to think that learning is done in schools and religious practice in churches. It is not right to think that you should exercise to stay skinny or attractive. It is most importantly not right to think that psychiatrists and drugs are the answer to all emotional stimuli. We should learn all the time, especially after graduating school. We should be moral and spiritually aware everywhere, everywhen, not just on Sundays. Exercise and healthy eating should go side by side with being aware of the air and water pollution around you and preventative health care to take care of our organs and prevent cancers that aren't there yet. Our health shouldn't be something we take care of in retrospect after finding a disease, it should be something we carefully care for our entire lives. Lastly our emotions and mental drama that we create in our every day lives should be understood from the inside. Meditating, introspective thought, mind expanding stimuli, close friends and family, education, exercise and so many other activities help calm the mind and the emotions. They help us understand why we have emotions; the good they cause and the bad. It helps us to realize that there is nothing wrong with us, we don't need to be fixed by someone else or by some medication.
One week is all it takes to become a brand new person, a better person, a healthier, smarter, moral person.
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