Heaven supposedly is where all of our ancestors go to live out eternity. Huh?
It is such an illogical and outlandish theory, that the "spirits" or consciousness of a human being transfers from the earthly plane to a higher plane of existence upon death. With absolutely no spiritual or psychological advancement actively being pursued by most people how is it that their consciousness can rise itself out of the ashes in to the netherworld?
I would personally assume that it takes years of personal growth and insight to be able to advance to the next level of human consciousness and that level would itself be available to us not after death but during life. In altered states of awareness, in greater understanding and perception of the world around you, and in a more reliable mindset concering your worldy affairs and your internal dialogue.
So with all of that being said, where is Heaven? Heaven is inside you, it is inside me, it is inside all living beings. DNA and cellular atomic structure hold in themselves the entirety of human affairs, and life's long climb out of the primordial sludge in to the industrial type. Inside every single one of us we hold the genetic material of all those who came before us, meaning we hold the lives of our ancestors in our own bodies.
Where is your dead grandma, where is Gandhi, where is Jesus? All of these people are held inside of us. Where is the future of humanity, where is all that ever will be and can be, also inside of us. Each individual holds the entire future of our species inside them. Which makes heaven the home of our ancestors and our grand children. Heaven is within, not without. God is within, not without. We just have to take the time to look inside of our own minds and consciousness, take time away from worrying about the job or the TV and actually put some thought in to the very fabric of our existence.
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