Monday, November 10, 2008

HR 1959

The Violent Radicalization and Home Grown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007.

Is a freaking joke. It is worded so loosely that almost anyone that dissents to the actions of the government can be labeled a terrorist, have their rights taken away and be thrown in to Gitmo without a trial.

Is this the land of the free, the home of the brave that you were taught about in school? A place where your government thinks you are an enemy. A place where, even if this bill doesn't pass the senate, it has already passed the house with only 6 votes against it. Just the fact that a bill like this has been written makes me scared and worried about the current state of our Republic.

You know why these kind of things can happen right under our noses. Because most Americas just don't give a fuck. They're too busy working to pay the bills, taking care of kids, and watching reality TV. So instead of wondering what their elected government is enacting, in order to take away even more of our rights, they are being corporate media zombies!

Then the next problem is most people that would find out about a bill like this just don't care. They truly think the Patriot Act and HR 1959 will keep them safe from "terrorists". The only terrorists you have to worry about are the ones on capitol hill. The ones systematically and knowingly destroying our constitution. Them being able to check our library records, and tap our phones, and label us terrorists will not keep us safe. It will keep them safe from us when we realize the horrific acts they have been committing against us. By the time we want to do something about it, it will be illegal to say or do anything and anyone who dissents will be rounded up and jailed.

Scary shit, and hopefully something that never comes about, but the facts are that it really is a 50/50 chance. This bill could pass within the next year or so and then out first amendment rights are completely trash. So while I am sure you are very happy with your menial job, your VH1 Celebreality, your addiction to prescription anti depressants, your ebbing and flowing oil prices, your President Elect Barack Obama, your Starbucks and bar hoping, there is alot more to life and alot more to the government than you will ever realize. Start paying attention and start demanding accountability, or else you may never be able to.

Or you can dig your head in to the ground and ignore the truth, ignore the real issues we face today, and make believe that our only problems are health care, education, energy, abortion and gay marriage. Don't get me wrong, these are issues, but they are just very broad one's that the government uses to take our attention away from the thousands of agendas on the table which they know the American people ignore and could care less about. Giving them the ability to do whatever the hell they want!

Read a book, become informed, take your mind off menial events and people and start actually being an informed and concerned citizen of your country.

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