People who go about their lives in an unconscious state in which they allow their emotions and their initial impressions to dictates their every action. People who start fights over parking spots, who threaten employees who need the day off to visit a sick family member, who become vindictive and vengeful over getting cut off. These people truly are living a life of absolute absurdity. They don't understand the need for calm, rational examination of the current situation. They don't think of repercussions or ulterior alternatives. They are endlessly drifting through life reacting to events they think they have no power over, giving them the need to stress their perceived social strength over the individual or situation causing them to feel powerless. Instead of living life in a state of re-active response we must start being pro-active in our ability to form the environment around us. We must start being pro-active in our ability to adapt to others perceived or actual projections on our ego. Just cause someone "unjustifiably" damages your character doesn't mean you have to give them the extra joy in indulging in their level of social stupidity. Laughing them off and treating them as the immature party, or telling them straight up what's real and what they are going to do for you, or just straight up completely ignoring the situation is IMO the best manner of dealing with people who are completely sleep walking through life.
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