Air, Water, Earth and Fire. Breathing, Drinking, Eating and Warmth. These are the only things we need to survive. I used to include companionship in that list but it occurs to me that if a infant was abandoned at birth and some how managed to survive and never knew the companionship of the mother, family and friends, s/he could still survive on the four necessities, which are more commonly known as the four elements. Life is in abundance all around us, there is no need to work to make money to survive. Just breathe. Just drink of the fresh rain water and eat of the wild vegetation. Plant a garden, build a cabin, start a fire.
But you say, I love civilizations luxuries. I do not want to go back to simpler days. Well then use the fire of the sun to power your solar powers home. Fill said home with only the simplest of luxuries that you deem to be necessary. Maybe a laptop or a TV. A fridge or a blender. But in using the power of fire to enable these devices to work you are going back to simpler times, while incorporating modern technology.
Use the water of the clouds to fill your reservoir, don't be duped in to being stuck to a grid in which you have to pay for a free substance. Not only pay but be subjugated to drinking water which in contaminated with fluoride, iron, surfer and all sorts of nasty chemicals. Save rain water, drink it, shower with it, water your garden, live.
Fire isn't the only manner of generating heat and electricity, invest in wind power and the very air around you will come to life. Learn to love the environment around you. The very atmosphere that sustained this planet long enough to give us the ability to inhabit it. Take care of the air around you and it will take care of you.
Earth is the easiest element to take advantage of. Buy a plot of land, plant some vegetables and fruits. Save money at the super market that way. Go even further and you can plant grains to make bread, hops and barley to make beer, Ginseng, Ginko and St Johns Wart to cure illness, sugar cane or corn to create bio fuel. The possibilities are endless, the fertile ground around us can give us more than we even recognize.
Money is not the solution to all of life's problems, it is the cause. It is the fact that we have been trained to believe money is the only way to survive that we are stuck in the rat race work place, the never ending debt and this all consuming consumerist society. Everything you need in life is right in front of you. It is all around you. It is the planet, atmosphere, and elements you stand amongst right now. Just Breathe.
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