I just realized that you can look up years on Wikipedia and it will tell you what will happen on what date. Now that may not sound too interesting when thinking about looking up past years, but the thing is you can look up future dates as well. Important events like the winter solstice, the super bowl, and election day can easily be predicted, as the dates are set in stone. However the interesting part is entries like these for the year 2012:
February 7 - Scrambles the Death Dealer will attack Washington D.C. and the end of the world as we know it will begin....also meatloaf will be served.
September 11 - Britney Spears runs for president.....oh damn, shaves her head again, and marries Tom Cruise to start an evil cult of Scientology
December 12 - Happy day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obviously someone got their Wikipedia editing privileges and no one has noticed their contributions yet. Thank God for that!
Reading about the future on Wikipedia almost seems like being able to... well read the future!! Is that what we are coming to eventually? Is that what time travel may start as, our ability to foresee future events with such great precision that we'll be able to know when and what of importance we will be facing in years to come? Then again if we are supposedly writing the future out for all to see, it being written may be the reason that certain events do come to fruition.
I think with powerful computer simulation programs, intelligent human futurist, ancient divining methods, and a strong understanding of the past and how it impacts the present we will be able to very commonly and precisely predict future events, technology, and cultural fads. Only time will tell.
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