Every time I hear people complaining about electric and oil prices the first thing I tell them is "You know, for the price it is going to cost you to fill your oil tank over the next 4 years you could buy a solar panel and never have to pay for heat again". Most of the times I get a response that acknowledges it's awesomeness, yet seems very uninterested in actually making that investment. Do people just not understand the idea of free electricity? Or are they scared of spending so much at once? Would they rather spend that much, TIMES 20 over the next few years as long as it is in smaller increments? Ridiculous. Over the past year and in the coming year I have started my investment in to renewable energy. Slowly but surely I am acquiring small portable solar and wind power generators to change small things from my camera to my phone, a heater to a fan. While I do not have the capability to power a TV or a PC yet it is a start. I am saving a little bit of energy now, and working my way to more expensive and more powerful solutions for energy efficiency. Within the next 5 years I hope to have enough power generated through the sun and wind to power everything I own that needs electricity, including my VW bus. Which I am in the midst of attempting to convert in to either completely electric or hybrid electric/biodiesel. Get with it people, start investing in renewable energy now, and you will never have to pay a power bill again for the rest of your life!!
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